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About Students Database

Students Database is part of Innovations Business, which is working with a single-mind focus to be a strong supporting factor for Educational & Training Institutions and Students at every possible stage. At Innovations Business we propose a simple, economical, time and resource saving activity which brings fairly good outcome. Promotors come with vast experience in Education, Marketing and Media; we use our expertise to bring out new possible strategies to our clients which will COST LESS but BETTER RESULTS. Our only Motto is – We win if our Customers wins.

Lead generation is probably one of the oldest marketing techniques in existence and working on a good raw database will enhance the outcome. Based on our experience, we have done a brief research survey of the market and realized, reaching aspirant students directly with first-hand information about the institution and courses has become a must, to make an impact on students. On the other hand, aspirants are also finding it very challenging in making a right career, “Not by Chance its by Choice”.

Since 2009, is known for providing verified and authentic database to Educational and related organizations. We understand the fact, that marketing cost to reach out students is far bigger compared to the cost of procuring raw database. Working on bad database means loosing on marketing budget and hence we have networked with reliable sources to procure a fairly good database. We randomly verify the same and if found worth, will update the same on our website with a very reasonable pricing.

Students Database has developed an extensive clientele across the country who buy database from us very regularly. Clients have been found happy using our service.